Sep 19, 2024, 1:00 – 2:00 PM (UTC)
Join us for an hour of debugging and navigating past hackathon solutions that had a bug here and there and didn't work as expected. The Africa's Talkig Team is here to help you understand ay and every challenge you've had. Get your ticket today!
31 RSVPs
#WeLoveNerds #BuildWithAT
🔉 Calling out to all past hackathon participants 🔉
Have you ever participated in an Africa's Taking Hackathon and faced a challenge with your solution? The demo gods did the thing and your product did NOT run? Bugs got the better of you? Just tried to use the Africa's Talking products and faced an error?
Then this is definitely the session for you.
Join us for the "Africa's Talking Post-Hackathon Debugging: Virtual Session," an exciting opportunity for hackathon participants across the continent to refine and troubleshoot their previously attempted projects. This online event is designed to support developers from all Africa's Talking communities, regardless of which programming language or location. Whether you're facing a tricky bug or need guidance on product development, our expert team is here to help.
Achieve Support: The Africa's Talking Team will provide comprehensive support for debugging and troubleshooting to commuity members and developers.
Challenges to be debugged:
API Integration Issues: Troubleshoot connectivity and data exchange problems with Africa's Talking APIs.
Target Audience
Expected Results
What should you expect as an Attendee:
Africa's Talking powers communications solutions across Africa with simplified access to telco infrastructure, developers use our powerful SMS, USSD, Voice, Chat, Airtime, Mobile Data and Insights APIs to bring their ideas to life, as they build and sustain scalable businesses.
Developer Documentation (We welcome feedback)
1. Introduction
2. Debugging
Participants share their past challenges as the Africa's Talking Team help debug.
3. Wrap-up
Conclusion and close.
Opportunities for Enterprises and Developers:
We would love to reach out to you so that you can build for our customers, please fill out this form with details to ensure we have your details:
Join community channels:
Slack & WhatsApp:
Please follow us on Twitter handles to:
You can get our videos, recaps, and event interviews on our youtube channels, subscribe to get updates:
Africa's Talking community allows developers to learn skills for the modern-day African Developer. We are language and framework agnostic. All developers are welcome. This is where Africa's Talking developers community meets to build, learn and exchange knowledge.
We are helping software developers and businesses to bring their ideas to life through easy-to-use APIs quickly.
Would you like to partner with us? Kindly contact the Developer Experience Team.
Africa's Talking
Developer Relations, WIT Lead
Africa's Talking
Head of Developer Community
Thursday, September 19, 2024
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (UTC)
1:00 PM | Introductions |
1:05 PM | Debugging |
1:55 PM | Wrap-up |
Africa's Talking
Community Lead Nairobi
University of Dar Es Salaam
Community Lead, 🇹🇿 Tanzania
Community Lead, 🇹🇿 Tanzania
Community Co-Lead, 🇰🇪 Kenya
Community Lead, 🇬🇲 The Gambia
Community Lead, 🇳🇬 Kaduna, Nigeria
Altech Group
Community Co-Lead, 🇷🇼 Rwanda
Community Co-Lead, 🇺🇬 Uganda
Africastalking LTD
WIT Community Lead 🇰🇪 Kenya
Africa'sTalking Uganda
Community Co-Lead, 🇺🇬 Uganda
MlimiPay Limited
Community Lead, 🇲🇼 Malawi
Community Co-Lead 🇷🇼 Rwanda
Community Co-Lead, 🇰🇪 Kenya
Community Lead, Congo
Community Co-Lead, 🇺🇬 Uganda
Community Lead Goma, DRC
Community Lead, Abuja, Nigeria
Community Lead, Kano, Nigeria
Community Co-Lead Congo
Community Co-Lead Kinshasa